Most exercise centres these days are packed with dozens of different high-tech machines strategically designed to work every muscle in your body.
But in the 1930s it was an entirely different world. Far from our ultra-lightweight cushioned trainers and breathable sports wear, ladies are seen wearing rather tight belted all in ones and pumps.
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s
Women Working Out in the 1930s